Love & Money Personality Scale (LAMPS)    
    You Partner    
  Annual income:    
  Financial situation:        
  Home zip code (if USA) or country:      
  Age in years:        
  Relationship happiness:        
  2-letter Initials:      
  Taken this test before (this version only)?      
  Lifestyle Rate each item using this scale:
1: Strongly Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Neutral
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree
1 I need luxury to feel comfortable.        
2 Everything I buy needs to be of the highest quality.      
3 I enjoy having people wait on me.      
4 I tend to buy more expensive, higher quality products.      
5 I like to give other people the impression that I am financially well-off.      
6 To tell the truth, I like people to envy my financial status.      
7 I'd rather have a modest lifestyle because it's less stressful.      
8 I would rather save money than to impress people by buying expensive commodities.      
9 I try to cut my spending to the bare minimum.      
10 I am not concerned over other people's opinion of my financial status.      
11 I don't mind saving money by living simply.      
12 It makes me feel better to save money than to spend it.      
  Dependence Rate each item using this scale:
1: Strongly Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Neutral
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree
1 My partner tends to be more responsible with money than I am.      
2 I've never been very good at handling financial responsibility.      
3 I expect my partner to take care of me financially.      
4 I know that my partner has more financial responsibility than I do, so I try not to "rock the boat."      
5 I expect others to help me out when I have a financial problem.      
6 I'm more of a nurturer than a provider.      
7 I don't mind sacrificing (giving up expensive pleasures or working longer) so that my partner and/or family can live well.      
8 I'm willing to work as long and as hard as necessary to make ends meet.      
9 Seeing that the bills are paid is more important to me than it is to my partner.      
10 If my partner and I are having financial problems, I'm the one to solve them.      
11 I consider myself the "breadwinner" for our family.      
12 Other people depend on me financially.      
  Risk-Taking Rate each item using this scale:
1: Strongly Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Neutral
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree
1 I'd rather run my own business than to work for someone else.      
2 I don't mind risking large amounts of money if there is a good chance I can come out ahead.      
3 I'm willing to take real chances to get ahead financially.      
4 I get bored unless I'm taking some risks with my career.      
5 Being too conservative with your investments can cause financial problems.      
6 Running a business is something that I think of as interesting and exciting.      
7 I won't invest money if there is a chance I could lose some.      
8 I prefer putting my money in lower interest investments, where I know it's safe.      
9 I'd rather get a dependable paycheck than to get paid by commission, even if the commission could mean that I'd earn more in the long run.      
10 Taking risks with your investments and career causes more problems than just playing it safe.      
11 I don't care about "making it big" financially: I'd rather have a simple life without too many worries.      
12 I don't have the stomach for investing in the stock market.      
  E-mail (optional):      
  Comments (optional):      